Friday, March 28, 2014

$17 Trillion and Counting

The United States is currently 17,546,283,915 TRILLON dollars in debt and counties to go deeper and deeper each day by an average of 2.75 Billion a day! But yet every day we hear about a new project being build, a new study beginning done, or we see with our own eyes new roads beginning built, and the most common  the United States sending aid and resources to another country. I can go on for quite some time on how the government wastes money on projects and seemly unless junk, But I am going to focus on one of the many fractions of our budget and that is sending our resources and money to other countries.

 Now I have no problem with the United States helping a country that has just been devastated by a natural disaster, or even helping a poorer country with starving people, but I do have issues with United States aiding countries that really don’t give a damn about us and wouldn’t even lift a finger to help United States if we are in need.

Wasteful spending in the United States is a huge issue and in 2012, $37,680,000,000 dollars were sent to other countries for foreign aid, according to Finance Degree Center. I know that 38 billion doesn’t seem like much compared to the 2.75 billion we go in the hole per day, but I feel as if this is wasteful and can be trimmed down tremendously. The top 5 recipients of financial aid were all Middle Eastern countries and were not poor countries that needed money but the US “investing” in their country. I believe United States should save more money by trimming down the foreign spending and “give away” money so we can keep that money for more pressing interior issues.

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