Thursday, April 24, 2014

Education vs Judgement

I will start this blog by stating I am not saying I am for the Obamacare or against it, my issue is the knowledge known about the new mandatory health insurance law. The has interesting facts that a large percent of Americans don’t have enough knowledge about the healthcare plan to stat weather they approve or disapprove.  

Which of the following best describes your thoughts on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
Approve: 852 (30.23%)
Disapprove: 909 (32.25%)
Indifferent: 293 (10.39%)
Unsure: 756 (26.82%)

I know for fact that some people “disapprove” the plan simply because they heard they aren’t supposed to, but when asked why they disapprove they cannot give a knowledge based answer. Most American don’t like being told what to do, so little knowledge and a mandatory requirement by government will always leave a sour-taste in Americans. 

I believe President Obama and his team has done a decent amount of advertising the Obamacare plan and where to learn information about it, but it is the people who need to take initiative and learn about the plan before passing a judgment(for or against). The law is already in effect so is wise for people to learn how it will affect them. Getting the people to actually listen to the news or read up on the subject is hard to do since most people feel as if they do not have time to do research or they simply do not care about government. Ignorance toward this issue is just stupid. The obamacarefacts website concluded that “the more people know about Obamacare the higher they poll and the more popular the law is.” I don’t think the approval rate will skyrocket but I do believe it would increase and would be more accurate.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Respond to colleague's work

I agree with Claire that the educational system needs reformed. We have become too traditional in the ways we teach. In the military we have mandatory classes we must attend and majority of them are boring PowerPoints reading slide after slide that will put you to sleep thus getting the nickname “death by PowerPoint”. At first I thought it was just a military teaching style but however I have recently discovered some civilian teachers also use this ineffective method. PowerPoints are a great teaching AID but are not meant to do the teachers job, so I agree 100% when Claire states “adding incentives for those teachers who are getting inventive with the way they communicate with their students”. Getting students involved and interested in their education is key to learning and developing critical thinking skills.